This parking garage in Honolulu, Hawaii was experiencing failure of the topping slab on a high traffic parking structure. The cracked pieces of concrete failed so badly that you could slightly move them by hand. Project managers were considering removing and replacing which would have been very costly and time consuming.
The repair was performed on a test area, addressing all the cracks with 385 Crack Stitches, through our partner StitchDog. Many cracks had multiple repairs because the failure was so extensive and needed to have enough strength to handle high volumes of automobile traffic. Final coating was the Miracote MPC Park Deck System, a polymerized, two- component, cementitious protective and waterproof coating.
Seven months after the test installation was complete the area showed no signs of deterioration. It was deemed to be successful in restoring the structural integrity of the structure and will be used a primary method for future parking structure repairs.